Questions & Answers

Why should my team use EdMon? 

That time your teams spend on logging footage, transcribing interviews, and searching for the right clips which can take days and sometimes weeks is reduced to hours with EdMon

Can EdMon handle multichannel clips, i.e. multiple people speaking, like in reality shows

Yes, up to 4 people are manageable and more if they have their own microphones, but this will be further implemented during Q1 2025

Can we process ‘sequences’ i.e., a collection of clips as a long sequence?


Where is the media stored? i.e., what cloud servers is EdMon using?

EdMon uses Google Cloud for media storage with data centers located in Europe. This decision reflects EdMon’s commitment to environmental sustainability. Google Cloud runs on renewable energy and has a low carbon footprint. Additionally, EdMon works with customers to arrange specific storage locations that align with their sustainability strategies. This ensures that our solutions are not only environmentally responsible but also tailored to support our customers’ unique sustainability goals

What is the price?

Between 30 and 50 EUR per hour of processed media, depending on how much you intend to use EdMon. Please contact us at for more information

How many users can use EdMon? 

An unlimited number of users. You pay only for processed hours so invite everyone you want and need

If I want to find all clips where a certain topic is mentioned, can EdMon help with this? 

Yes! And if you want to find clips from a certain location, EdMon can do that too

Is EdMon integrated with commonly used editing software? 

Yes, it is fully integrated with Avid Media Composer and Adobe Premiere Pro. We are also working on integrating it with Final Cut and DaVinci Resolve

Can EdMon handle different languages? 

Yes, EdMon can transcribe all global languages. If your preferred language is not applicable, please ask your customer success manager or write to and we will add this for you

Can I tag speakers in EdMon directly in AVID?

Yes. EdMon can also use metadata from AVID media composers to automatically label a speaker. Do this by creating a ‘locator’ and writing [nameofspeaker]@speaker and it will automatically show up in EdMon

Will EdMon be able to provide me with data for my sustainability reporting?

Yes, EdMon can provide the necessary data to support your sustainability reporting. We recognize the importance of transparency in environmental impact assessments, particularly when it comes to Scope 3 emissions under the GHG Protocol, which include emissions associated with the operation of data centers for EdMon and its users

What is the difference between EdMon and other transcription software? 

First of all, EdMon is not a transcription tool but rather an application for the entire post-production team to work with the media. EdMon can however be used for transcription only and here, EdMon stands out from others with its direct integration to AVID and Premiere Pro, eliminating the need for imports and exports

What is the difference between EdMon and the transcription feature available in AVID and Premiere? 

EdMon is faster and can handle all languages and dialects. The accuracy is much better because we use multiple sources to transcribe the audio